The Blog


August 28, 2024

I've been trying to get more consistent at playing +R since getting better at fighting games entails actually playing them, so I've made an effort to play at least a bit each day after almost a month where I just kind of fell off of it. In terms of my history with it, I started out in early July, briefly playing Sol both because I like him and because he's where the cursor starts on and so I was like "WOW! Sol Badguy! [mind goes blank]". Not very long after I was like "okay i'm kind of not understanding, let's try someone else.... who's simple... (as if a message from god) Ky Kiske is a shoto" and so I stuck with him for a while. I picked up Anji some time later and he was the first character I tried learning combos for. I then just kind of fell off the game. I picked it back up again like two weeks later and then fell off again.
Back to the present, a month later, I've been specifically playing each day since this Sunday, and I try my hand at Arcade at least once. I've tried Axl and been charmed by his silliness but uncertain. I decided to try Arcade with him anyways and got extremely humbled by Anji and so I resolve to just stick with Sol. I tried his story mode, and today I beat it. Thank you IKs.
Okay time is just like no longer a factor in this blog I think. Anyways, I think it's worth mentioning that the day I was like "ok let's get back at +r" was also the day I was looking through art by nainsoo after seeing a speedpaint on ArcSys's Youtube and I straight up was like "if i don't start playing +r right now i don't think it's happening ever." I had to wrench myself away. Obsessed.
also i drew today

August 23, 2024

Recent things

August 17, 2024

I just kind of did the entire base of the site all at once today. I've been thinking it out for a while and writing ideas down and learning and experimenting, but for the actual site as it is right now, aside from a bit of self copying and pasting (as well as for links), I just kind of typed it all. I woke up with a headache and it like abated and I was like "... yeah I think I'm good to look at a screen sure". What I failed to account for was the fact that I am not good at pacing myself and I just kind of went all or nothing like "well i mean i'm almost done [is still at it an hour later] well i mean i'm almost done [is still at it an hour later] wel(this continues infinitely)". That does remind me though. Something I've been considering is typing style. I struggle with tone and have found that for casual online conversation, i like primarily lowercase with periods used for representing pauses for thinking as well as more typical punctuation and using words capitalized like Titles (sparingly) for emphasis. my word choice often is odd and could come off maybe a bit pretentious when it's really just the only word i can think of and i feel like this style helps kind of balance that. But I also think that for longer text, more standard punctuation and grammar makes it easier to read, though it also feels a bit more professional than I'm really looking for... In any case my hands hurt and i think i should just sleep. I just realized that I actually don't have links back to the sitemap from all the things it links to which I did want to do but I'll just do it later. I want to have this up before I forget.