There's this whole thing I want to do with the setup of the pages where I have some boxes and shit with nice colors but I still don't really know anything about CSS (and i barely know anything about HTML) so here's what I'm going to do. I am going to use horizontal breaks and you are going to have to use your imagination. I'll get to it eventually. It will happen. I can't say when but eventually. One of these days.
(as of 24/12/10)
- 24/11/30 - Added links back to this page and the sitemap at the top of the other pages because that kind of was meant to be there but then I just didn't do it for a while
- 24/11/03 - Adjusted colors, added actually distinguishable page titles, adjusted index
- 24/09/20 - Adjusted theme again, added a favicon
- 24/09/01 - Added "Most recent update" section
- 24/08/28 - Messing with fonts
- 24/08/23 - Adjusted colors and formatting, tidied up a bit, added actual about section
- 24/08/17 - Rough site made from the ground up and uploaded
- 24/08/09 - Made Neocities account and drafted up a very barebones site from the default starter one